Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's bigger than libraries.

Dreaming the future of libraries requires a mind-set that's a whole lot bigger than just libraries. As my colleague Brad Fish is want to say, we have to think outside the library box. If we are limited by only what libraries alone can imagine, then we will be missing tremendous opportunities to intersect with the larger world and to find a place for libraries in that world that is both dynamic and incredibly appealing. Let's consider some of the resources Brad has suggested:


  1. Thanks for all the excellent information!


  2. Hi Marilyn,

    What a wonderful start to your blog.

    Thanks for your first two posts. They help propel me out into the future where I enjoy thinking and wondering about some new library paradigms and then try to create a process so that they might become a reality.

    I really like using questions to hep break free from the barriers and rules of today that were actually based on such good sense from "yesterday".

    So here are a few questions: "What kind of a library would you design and build if your existing library was irreparably damaged and all the contents destroyed?" What would it look like, how would it function, and what "stuff" would it have? More importantly - do you and your community have the energy, the commitment and the financial resources to rebuild a better library? Or might you end up with a less effecive or no library at all??? Hmmm.......

    Brad Fish
